Robin Harritt
2008-11-20 13:31:11 UTC
What is there about handing your child over for adoption, to the first
social worker or moral welfare worker to appear on the seen, that would make
you an 'expert' on anything at all?
Perhaps I'm one of those fortunate adoptees whose mother's fought the
adoption process tooth and nail for years, until defeated by poverty. And in
my case left me the legacy of several hundred pages of documentation on that
process (and some useful life experience fighting for access to that
documentation from the agency, the Local Authority and the Court)
Why should I be impressed that someone who gave up their child for adoption
against their own will, without a fight, is any kind of expert on adoption?
That is what I am being expected to take on board here in the UK, that the
mere fact of having handed your child over for adoption renders you an
expert on every aspect of adoption, without any need for any further genuine
study of the subject
Is there a natural mother out there in the UK who can tell me about their
fight, back in the 1950s 60s or 70s, to prevent their child from being
adopted, without good reason and against their own will?
Why would anyone in any kind of responsible position in government or any
kind of authority take a blind bit of notice of people like this ?
Where are all the sane natural mothers with something genuine to say,
something that might get government to look in to the wrongs of adoption in
the so called 'Baby Scoop Era' in the UK?
Robin Harritt
social worker or moral welfare worker to appear on the seen, that would make
you an 'expert' on anything at all?
Perhaps I'm one of those fortunate adoptees whose mother's fought the
adoption process tooth and nail for years, until defeated by poverty. And in
my case left me the legacy of several hundred pages of documentation on that
process (and some useful life experience fighting for access to that
documentation from the agency, the Local Authority and the Court)
Why should I be impressed that someone who gave up their child for adoption
against their own will, without a fight, is any kind of expert on adoption?
That is what I am being expected to take on board here in the UK, that the
mere fact of having handed your child over for adoption renders you an
expert on every aspect of adoption, without any need for any further genuine
study of the subject
Is there a natural mother out there in the UK who can tell me about their
fight, back in the 1950s 60s or 70s, to prevent their child from being
adopted, without good reason and against their own will?
Why would anyone in any kind of responsible position in government or any
kind of authority take a blind bit of notice of people like this ?
Where are all the sane natural mothers with something genuine to say,
something that might get government to look in to the wrongs of adoption in
the so called 'Baby Scoop Era' in the UK?
Robin Harritt