Robin Harritt
2005-02-25 19:05:46 UTC
If you have adoption records or care records being held by Barnardos in the UK
do beware.
In December of last year I asked my lawyer to ask Barnardo's lawyers, why in
1992/3 or thereabouts Barnardos claimed that they held no information about my
sister other than that my mother had had another female child who was adopted?
Yet in 1996 or thereabouts Barnardos was able pass on to me completely
un-requested and as a part of a bundle of other documents, full details not
only of my sister's adoption but also of her paternity and details of the
circumstances of her conception.
Today I received in black and white from Barnardos legal representative Campbell
Hooper (London W5) a letter via my legal representatives outlining amongst much
else, why the above happened.
It was because; '"at that stage Barnardo's were aware that Mr Harritt had
already had a reunion with his sister so this issue had been dealt with".
These people really do beggar belief don't they?
So there you have it then in black and white, all you need do is to have a
"reunion" with one of your relatives long lost to adoption and Barnardos will
automatically and without asking further, let you have all of your relatives
most intimate details.
Yet when you are actually searching for your brother or sister it is perfectly
good practice, apparently, for Barnardos to claim that it holds no records at
all for the person you seek. Even when in fact they do have all those intimate
details as well as the information needed in order to trace.
I wonder if Barnardos President Ms Cherie Booth, our current Prime Minister's
wife runs her legal office in such a way. Or if her husband runs his country
that way?
And Barnardos want me to sign additional waivers before they will show me more
of my own records????? Though I suppose by now they may well have shown them to
just about everyone but me. They certainly seemed to think that that would be an
acceptable way to treat my infant medical records.
If it wasn't clear before, it is now, the terms that Barnardos like to throw
around willy nilly like "duty of confidentiality" and "duty of care" have little
real meaning, what matters at the modern Barnardos is individual and corporate
back-side covering and they can't even manage to do that very well.
And that is just a very very small part of the story.
Robin Harritt
do beware.
In December of last year I asked my lawyer to ask Barnardo's lawyers, why in
1992/3 or thereabouts Barnardos claimed that they held no information about my
sister other than that my mother had had another female child who was adopted?
Yet in 1996 or thereabouts Barnardos was able pass on to me completely
un-requested and as a part of a bundle of other documents, full details not
only of my sister's adoption but also of her paternity and details of the
circumstances of her conception.
Today I received in black and white from Barnardos legal representative Campbell
Hooper (London W5) a letter via my legal representatives outlining amongst much
else, why the above happened.
It was because; '"at that stage Barnardo's were aware that Mr Harritt had
already had a reunion with his sister so this issue had been dealt with".
These people really do beggar belief don't they?
So there you have it then in black and white, all you need do is to have a
"reunion" with one of your relatives long lost to adoption and Barnardos will
automatically and without asking further, let you have all of your relatives
most intimate details.
Yet when you are actually searching for your brother or sister it is perfectly
good practice, apparently, for Barnardos to claim that it holds no records at
all for the person you seek. Even when in fact they do have all those intimate
details as well as the information needed in order to trace.
I wonder if Barnardos President Ms Cherie Booth, our current Prime Minister's
wife runs her legal office in such a way. Or if her husband runs his country
that way?
And Barnardos want me to sign additional waivers before they will show me more
of my own records????? Though I suppose by now they may well have shown them to
just about everyone but me. They certainly seemed to think that that would be an
acceptable way to treat my infant medical records.
If it wasn't clear before, it is now, the terms that Barnardos like to throw
around willy nilly like "duty of confidentiality" and "duty of care" have little
real meaning, what matters at the modern Barnardos is individual and corporate
back-side covering and they can't even manage to do that very well.
And that is just a very very small part of the story.
Robin Harritt