Finding people on the internet?
(too old to reply)
Robin Harritt
2006-06-12 09:44:40 UTC
Hi All

Has anyone here used services like friends/genes reunited, to search for
family that they have lost touch with through being in care or adopted? How
about free message board services for those who are searching?

Have you found them useful , do you think they are a safe way of finding
people who have been separated from family during their childhood, for
whatever reason?

This is an increasingly popular way for adopted people and their relatives
to search, now that government's new regulations have forced reputable
agencies in to charging ever more ridiculous amounts to cover the
preposterous red tape that is now involved. That and the often hideously
patronising "counselling" being provided often by people who have a
counselling qualification but no real idea at all about the issues
surrounding adoption and family separation.



2006-06-12 09:51:41 UTC
Post by Robin Harritt
Hi All
Has anyone here used services like friends/genes reunited, to search for
family that they have lost touch with through being in care or adopted?
about free message board services for those who are searching?
Have you found them useful , do you think they are a safe way of finding
people who have been separated from family during their childhood, for
whatever reason?
This is an increasingly popular way for adopted people and their relatives
to search, now that government's new regulations have forced reputable
agencies in to charging ever more ridiculous amounts to cover the
preposterous red tape that is now involved. That and the often hideously
patronising "counselling" being provided often by people who have a
counselling qualification but no real idea at all about the issues
surrounding adoption and family separation.
Hiya Robin
I got back in touch with long lost siblings through this newsgroup
and an adopted sister found me through genes connected (she'd already seen
my details on friends reunited) and a cousing found me through genes
connected too.
Ray Ingham
2006-06-13 05:08:46 UTC
Post by Robin Harritt
Hi All
Has anyone here used services like friends/genes reunited, to search for
family that they have lost touch with through being in care or adopted?
about free message board services for those who are searching?
Have you found them useful , do you think they are a safe way of finding
people who have been separated from family during their childhood, for
whatever reason?
This is an increasingly popular way for adopted people and their relatives
to search, now that government's new regulations have forced reputable
agencies in to charging ever more ridiculous amounts to cover the
preposterous red tape that is now involved. That and the often hideously
patronising "counselling" being provided often by people who have a
counselling qualification but no real idea at all about the issues
surrounding adoption and family separation.
Robin I never used the internet at all when I was looking for my mum. A few
years ago I was looking up a "friend finder" type program and found an old
neighbour I used to know when I lived in Cumbria though.
2006-06-13 05:35:20 UTC
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Robin Harritt
2006-06-13 10:41:21 UTC
Hi Folks

Good to see that there are few of you still looking in.

As you probably know I work for an adoption support agency on a voluntary
basis. I'm always being told how awful things on the internet are and that
"they ought to be banned".

I've just been in touch with my putative father's daughter from his later
marriage, so possibly my half sister. She was looking on Genes Reunited for
family tree info. My message must have come as a bit of a shock to her. She
has been able to fill in some gaps and tell me about another previous
"family" of his that are mentioned on my Barnardos ( Dr Barnardo's Homes)
file. Barnardo's Family Connections in Barkingside are astoundingly useless
at helping with anything like this.

So I have a personal interest in this as well as wanting to do a bit of
private research in to the number of positive stories and the number of
disasters. so far I've not heard of any bad results on any of the groups
I've posted to.

I've been the internet myself for over 10 years and couldn't tell you of a
single incidence where anyone has had a serious problem arising out of
using the internet for family searching. I've personally managed to reunite
quite a few people, sometimes because I already know the person they are
looking for from the groups.

Human nature being what it is, there no doubt have been some less happy

A lot of people haven't found what they were hoping for and have been
disappointed. For some the whole thing has fallen apart after a little
while, but that would have happened however contact had been made. No social
worker or counsellor can make people who are just not compatible,

As long as you follow a few common sense safety rules, I think it is an
excellent tool for people searching. I wish the internet had been available
15 years ago when I started out. I could have told Barnardos ( Dr
Barnardo's) where to go stick its unenlightened twenty year out of date
(even then) "policies".

I do still think that it is a good idea to use an intermediary to make the
first contact particularly in adoption cases.

I would say, beware of people and organisations on adoption groups (or
anti-adoption groups) who claim to have all sorts of expertise and skills
that they simply don't posses.

If you were adopted or are a natural relative, ask to see their registration
with the CSCI as an adoption support agency. If they haven't got one but
claim to be registered as "voluntary organisation" it doesn't mean a thing.
Don't give them a penny, give them a wide berth.

If you're adopted and already know the name of the relative you seek, and
don't want to use an ASA or your adoption agency, it is easy enough to do it
yourself. If you're not able to diy, you'd be better of with a decent PI
firm at least most of them work to a specific code of ethics, unlike the
really dodgy unregistered "research foundations" that you might come up
against on the internet.. See http://www.theabi.org.uk/

If you are a relative looking for someone who has been adopted and you don't
know their name after they were adopted, you have little choice but to go to
an ASA or the agency that arranged the adoption, but shop around and ask
your local authority ss if they can help, some will. But if you want quick
efficient service an ASA is the best bet but you'll have to pay for it.

For information about the new regulation and practice for adoption searches
see http://www.adoptionsearchreunion.org.uk/ this is not a "government
website" as I've seen stated elsewhere, it is compiled by BAAF and it is
authoritative. The government's web site on all aspects of adoption
legislation including search and reunion is at

Most reputable agencies that help formally adopted people will also help
people who have lost contact with their family as a result of long-term
fostering or of being in care as a child.

Robin Harritt

Robin Harritt
2006-06-20 15:08:28 UTC
Just to elaborate a little

Anyone who really doesn't think it worth spending a few pounds on a reliable
trustworthy registered researcher might consider doing it themselves if they
are an adopted person looking for a birth relative. Natural relatives who
don't know the post adoptive name of the person they are seeking have little
choice but to go to an ASA or adoption agency that arranged the adoption.

It's about assurance isn't it. If an agency is registered with the
government as an adoption support agency, or if it is registered with
Charity Commissioners as charitable body, even if it's just a membership
organisation registered with Companies House as a company limited by
guarantee. Then you know where you stand you have some comeback if it all
goes wrong. If it is registered as all three of those things like some
membership ASA's then all the better. PI's who belong to their professional
organisation work to a code of ethics, if they are a large organisation
they'll be registered as a company or a limited liability partnership and
have to submit accounts.

Make no mistake, no one is going to search for and find your relative for
absolutely nothing, unless it is one of those rare cases where you could
have found them yourself at no or virtually no cost.

Some outfits with little other than a websites and ridiculously grandiose
tittles that they've given themselves are registered with sweet nothing and
make some frankly ridiculous claims they they could never substantiate.

If anyone tell you they've reunited umpteen thousand people. Thousands of
them in just a few months, then ask for some proof. If they're a legitimate
outfit it'll be fairly clear from their annual report and accounts which
you'll be able to view on the Companies House or Charity Commission website
or both.

If anyone claims to you that they are an expert on anything, ask them where
they gained their qualification and working experience.

If any organisation claims to you that it is a "research foundation" that
phrase has a specific meaning in the UK. Ask who made the charitable grant
or legacy to set up the foundation. Ask who its Director of Research is and
what past professorships etc, they have held and what other research post
since gaining their doctorate or equivalent.

Anyone claiming to run a 'research foundation' who can't answer those
question is probably just a person with delusions of grandeur. That's
usually considered a psychiatric condition. You wouldn't want them turning
up on your doorstep if you were the person being sought.

In fact anyone just turning up on the doorstep who isn't a qualified
registered intermediary, should be fined and imprisoned under the Adoption &
Children Act 2002 and Care Standards Act 2000. And they probably will be
eventually if they continue to do so and to make false claims.



Robin Harritt
2006-07-02 12:03:56 UTC
in article C0BDCDFC.A829%***@my.email.you.dont, Robin Harritt at
***@my.email.you.dont wrote on 20/6/06 16:08:


I received the following e-mail yesterday.
I was told that a friend of yours, , with your guidance,
advised the CSCI that a particular group of people were breaking the rules.
Subsequently, the CSCI were advised that the reverse is the truth, and this
group have persuaded them that it is who is
illegal adoption-related searches. Because this group believe you to be
involved, they have been collecting information about you. Apparently, this
information is to be given to the CSCI and Barnado's and could pose a
problem to you. I advise you to be cautious.
What a flipper ay, as they say in Aus. He can't spell Barnardos and why the
heck does he think they'd care? He's got the grammatical skills of seven
year old, where have I seen that before? Ah, I know, amongst the publicity
material for the well known "Research Foundation" that can't explain how it
was founded, can't name its Director of Research can't tell us what past
professorship or research posts they've held and tell can't us where they
gained their Doctorate or equivalent research degree. The "Research
Foundation" that isn't registered anywhere as anything and can't even show
you its last years accounts. The one who's leader is so dim that she's
recently publicly confessed that she didn't know what the word charity

What will they do now do you suppose? Set Danny the Assistant Solicitor on

Or do you reckon they'll send their super expert "Public Relations Manger"
over here to say "look folks it's us they're talking about" and name her
"Research Foundation" just so as not leave anyone in doubt who we're talking
about. Just like she did on the "Adoptions" MSN group recently. Wow, where
to get a PR and Publicity Manager that good, I wonder?

Here's the header of the e-mail, if any of you get one like it just ignore
the little twit, he's a fine example of the "professionalism" of the
"Research Foundation" that he works for.

From - Tue Jun 27 18:21:24 2006
Return-Path: <***@hotmail.com>
Received: from bay7-f5.bay7.hotmail.com [] (EHLO hotmail.com)
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:39:57 -0400 (EDT)
Received: from mail pickup service by hotmail.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC;
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 09:48:36 -0700
Message-ID: <BAY7-***@phx.gbl>
Received: from by by7fd.bay7.hotmail.msn.com with HTTP;
Tue, 27 Jun 2006 16:48:33 GMT
X-Originating-IP: []
X-Originating-Email: [***@hotmail.com]
X-Sender: ***@hotmail.com
From: "Billy Liar" <***@hotmail.com>
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 2006 17:48:33 +0100
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 27 Jun 2006 16:48:36.0762 (UTC)
X-Spam: [F=0.0230263158; heur=0.500(1100); stat=0.010;
X-MAIL-FROM: <***@hotmail.com>

Hasn't even got the guts to post through his own ISP he has to use a proxy
in the middle east.

I'm sure all you people trackers, international or domestic will know which
bogus research foundation to avoid.

Robin Harritt


