are you being serious Mike..
Adoption is greed and self centred, im realy sorry you lost your child
but that doesnt give you the right to STEAL another mothers child, and
it is theft realy...that mother has possably been coersed to give the
child up, lied to that its in the childs interest to do so , WHAT ABOUT
THE MOTHERS INTEREST...As your a member of another group i suggest you
read there reports on coersion and lies that s/w do to our moms...
Adoption is for people who want to conform to how society has made us,
2 point 4 sorry but if god has chosen to take your child
then thats that, infertility or loss of any child is no excuse to have
another mothers child...its moraly wrong and i think is a criminal act
to take something that doesnt belong to you...And as an adopted person
yourself and i say this with tounge in cheek you must be bonkers to
inflict the pain of loss onto 2 children that DONT belong to you...
Its all very well saying " what about the well being of the child" but
if more time money and effort was placed into perserving a family not
destroying was in place there wouldnt be a need for online or support
groups for thjose who have been DESTROYD by adoption...
i personaly think that its a foul foul way to satisfy your needs and
wants, especialy when you know the trauma Adoption has bought you
through your life, selfish and extremely self centerd ...Yes am the
around these boards long enough to see the destruction that Adoption
has done to both our mums and there children...
I thought that you had an idea about adoption issuse but your statement
has made me see theres no sence in this world...none whatsoever and i
hope and pray that when your adopted children rebell and trust me they
will you can honestly tell them the TRUTH abouth there mother, because
mike YOU DONT KNOW THE TRUTH...only what has been told to you by some
lying scumbag social workers report...i bet you anything that mother is
absolutly destroyed ...
i know we dont know each other mike but youve just gone down in my
esstimation big time...typical adoptor springs to mind...thinking of
yourself and your wifes needs before the childrens and mothers
needs....and please dont insult me by saying that you thought it was in
the childs interest to be in a "stable home" because that is denial in
its rawrest form....
Asking a simple question here...if adoption is right why are you an
advocate of a certain ANTI-ADOPTION SIGHT...pot and kettle springs to
happy xmas fella..
Post by mikeI in addition to my mesage I will set out my stall so to speak.I have 2
adopted children as well as being an adoptee. We did have our own
child but she died in 1978. Our childrens parents were alcholics so
would the anti adoption brigade rather they'd been left with the
parents in this case?