Robin Harritt
2007-03-24 19:25:32 UTC
Isn't it dreadful?
Isn't it terrible, some parents are such awful parents they can't even
remember how old their kids are.
What is it do reckon? Could it be the effects of excessive alcohol do you
Still I don't suppose it matters so much when they are entirely invented,
fictitious children, dreamt up by a sad old fantasist with a serious case of
I'd say though, it's almost as bad as making up an entirely fictional
character that everyone is supposed to believe is real then inventing a
terminal decease for her. All just so that you can claim her dying words
were a wish not to have condolence messages placed by another person. And
all of it invented just to persecute one individual. I think you'd agree
with me wouldn't you, that a person who would do that would have to be quite
psychiatrically ill, wouldn't you? Yet such things happen. The same people
show no remorse whatsoever when genuine tragedy happens. Those let me tell
you are classic symptoms of a psychopathic personality.
How would you view it if someone ding that kind of thing also purported
there self to be part of the management team of an organisation that offers
post adoption support with adoptee search and intermediary services? All
entirely in contravention of the The Adoption Information and Intermediary
Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005.
Bear in mind the organisation behind that same group, is not only not
registered with the Commission for Social Care Inspection, it is also not
registered with the Charities Commission as a charity despite still asking
for donations. It's founder holds a Directorship in a dormant company whilst
actively trading under another name in the same field of business endeavour.
Any lawyers or corporate tax accountants out their like to comment on that
one. It isn't registered with any trade or professional body. Although it
holds much sensitive personal data on its past and present clients it
appears to have no registration under the Data Protection Act, whatsoever.
I think If I were acting in such a way I would want to keep a very low
profile indeed.
I certainly would not want to be making spurious allegations against
innocent parties.
What these people have been doing over last two and a bit year, amounts in
my opinion, to a serious act of Criminal Harassment. 'I wonder what their
families, friends, neighbours, Church congregations and clergymen would
think of their behaviour?'
Perhaps they would like to contact me privately and give me some honest
answers to the questions I have been putting to them over the last year with
regards to their business operations.
I think most of you will know which bogus adoption support organisation I am
referring to. A look back through a few of my recent messages here will make
it clear.
I know I have been critical of Barnardo's and other social worker lead
organisations but compared to our friends from Stockport they are at the
height of of professional endeavour in post adoption practise.
Robin Harritt
Isn't it terrible, some parents are such awful parents they can't even
remember how old their kids are.
What is it do reckon? Could it be the effects of excessive alcohol do you
Still I don't suppose it matters so much when they are entirely invented,
fictitious children, dreamt up by a sad old fantasist with a serious case of
I'd say though, it's almost as bad as making up an entirely fictional
character that everyone is supposed to believe is real then inventing a
terminal decease for her. All just so that you can claim her dying words
were a wish not to have condolence messages placed by another person. And
all of it invented just to persecute one individual. I think you'd agree
with me wouldn't you, that a person who would do that would have to be quite
psychiatrically ill, wouldn't you? Yet such things happen. The same people
show no remorse whatsoever when genuine tragedy happens. Those let me tell
you are classic symptoms of a psychopathic personality.
How would you view it if someone ding that kind of thing also purported
there self to be part of the management team of an organisation that offers
post adoption support with adoptee search and intermediary services? All
entirely in contravention of the The Adoption Information and Intermediary
Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005.
Bear in mind the organisation behind that same group, is not only not
registered with the Commission for Social Care Inspection, it is also not
registered with the Charities Commission as a charity despite still asking
for donations. It's founder holds a Directorship in a dormant company whilst
actively trading under another name in the same field of business endeavour.
Any lawyers or corporate tax accountants out their like to comment on that
one. It isn't registered with any trade or professional body. Although it
holds much sensitive personal data on its past and present clients it
appears to have no registration under the Data Protection Act, whatsoever.
I think If I were acting in such a way I would want to keep a very low
profile indeed.
I certainly would not want to be making spurious allegations against
innocent parties.
What these people have been doing over last two and a bit year, amounts in
my opinion, to a serious act of Criminal Harassment. 'I wonder what their
families, friends, neighbours, Church congregations and clergymen would
think of their behaviour?'
Perhaps they would like to contact me privately and give me some honest
answers to the questions I have been putting to them over the last year with
regards to their business operations.
I think most of you will know which bogus adoption support organisation I am
referring to. A look back through a few of my recent messages here will make
it clear.
I know I have been critical of Barnardo's and other social worker lead
organisations but compared to our friends from Stockport they are at the
height of of professional endeavour in post adoption practise.
Robin Harritt