Post by Robin HarrittPost by SandiPost by Robin HarrittPerhaps you could let us know, we seem to be in a no longer trodden
wasteland of the internet. It would nice to know if there is any point at
all in posting here these days.
An alternative might be
Hiya Robin
I'm still lurking (not actively seeking final 2 adopted siblings as yet)
Just thought I'd let you know im still here (even if it is in the
background) and good luck to anyone searching :o)
Sandi (one of ten!!!)
Hi Sandi
Good to see someone still here though Usenet seems to have been hijacked by
Google and many of the groups deserted by everyone else. More and more ISPs
seem not to be bothering to offer access to a news server.
You haven't quite beaten my record, one of eleven seven of us adopted or in
care. Then of course my alleged father seems to have done his bit for world
population as well with I think at least another 7 in addition to me and my
brother. I wonder what they used to put in the water in Romford.
Hiya Robin
yes im still here (usually to be found lurking in the corner somewhere)
Out of the ten of my lot there are 2 'fathers' (very loose term)
Mother (even looser in more ways than one) had 5 kids with each partner
first 5 were 4 in care and one adopted
i was 1st of 2nd batch and the only one kept - the 4 after me were all
2 sisters born after me caught up with me through genes connected luckily
and i still have contact with 4 out of the 5 older than me
Shame my so called mother was good at making/producing us all but couldnt be
bothered to look after any of us (she had the oldest 3 taken off her and was
in prison for a little while) must have been something in the water in
Carshalton/IOW too)
Apaprently i was only kept because i had a heart problem when born (now
Sorry ive waffled on a bit lol :op