Search Update
(too old to reply)
doug thomas
2007-08-13 19:50:39 UTC

Things have been very quiet on the search front for a long time. My wife's
cousin Clive put an advert in the local papers in the Derby area, and put me
in contact with a Keogh family, but that came to nought. I did send out a
letter, but received no response, and I tend to think that I had the wrong
person in any even - an Agnes Keogh and not Mary Agnes Keogh.

In the last few days I have found through 192.com that I can order marriage
certificates etc., and will be doing so for one that appears to be in the
right general time frame - 6 years after my birth, so it finally goes on

I thought I have been close two times already, and they have came to
nothing, but who knows maybe third time lucky.

Doug Thomas
Robin Harritt
2007-08-15 12:29:48 UTC
Post by doug thomas
Things have been very quiet on the search front for a long time. My wife's
cousin Clive put an advert in the local papers in the Derby area, and put me
in contact with a Keogh family, but that came to nought. I did send out a
letter, but received no response, and I tend to think that I had the wrong
person in any even - an Agnes Keogh and not Mary Agnes Keogh.
In the last few days I have found through 192.com that I can order marriage
certificates etc., and will be doing so for one that appears to be in the
right general time frame - 6 years after my birth, so it finally goes on
I thought I have been close two times already, and they have came to
nothing, but who knows maybe third time lucky.
Doug Thomas
Hi Doug

Not seen you around for a while, this group seems to have gone a bit quiet
so I don't look in as often as I used to.

Will you be ordering the certificate directly from the GRO? They've been a
bit finical of late, about issuing certificates if you do not have all the
necessary details to fill out the application form. It's mainly birth
certificates that they are fussy about for obvious reasons, so you may be ok
with a marriage cert.

I've a couple of certificate I need myself, I'll probably apply in person
when I'm up that way see how it goes.

I'll mention it to someone I believe has an interest in that name, not sure
about the spelling though.

Good luck this time round


