Robin Harritt
2005-04-13 07:25:04 UTC
The following new Regulations for England & Wales have been laid before
Parliament and will become effective on the 30th of December this year.
Please take the bother to read them if you are searching, helping people to
search or hope to be searched for and your adoption was finalised in England
and Wales since the 1st of January 1927 (all but the last one affect you).
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 890 The Adoption Information and Intermediary
Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005
Made 22nd March 2005
Laid before Parliament 7th April 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 924 The Adopted Children and Adoption Contact
Registers Regulations 2005
Made 24th March 2005
Laid before Parliament 29th March 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
Note: in fact *Children* can not use this register but the title reflects
the personal belief of Mrs Margaret Hodge MP and her Ilk that anyone who is
adopted remains for ever and ever a child in need of protection from the
intrusion of their natural family.
This one is about future adoptions
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 888 The Disclosure of Adoption Information
(Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005
Made 22nd March 2005
Laid before Parliament 7th April 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
The Adoption Support Agencies Regulations did not make it before the
restrictions related to the calling of a General Election came into effect.
But will no doubt will be laid before the new government shortly after
parliament returns
Parliament and will become effective on the 30th of December this year.
Please take the bother to read them if you are searching, helping people to
search or hope to be searched for and your adoption was finalised in England
and Wales since the 1st of January 1927 (all but the last one affect you).
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 890 The Adoption Information and Intermediary
Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005
Made 22nd March 2005
Laid before Parliament 7th April 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 924 The Adopted Children and Adoption Contact
Registers Regulations 2005
Made 24th March 2005
Laid before Parliament 29th March 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
Note: in fact *Children* can not use this register but the title reflects
the personal belief of Mrs Margaret Hodge MP and her Ilk that anyone who is
adopted remains for ever and ever a child in need of protection from the
intrusion of their natural family.
This one is about future adoptions
Statutory Instrument 2005 No. 888 The Disclosure of Adoption Information
(Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005
Made 22nd March 2005
Laid before Parliament 7th April 2005
Coming into force 30th December 2005
The Adoption Support Agencies Regulations did not make it before the
restrictions related to the calling of a General Election came into effect.
But will no doubt will be laid before the new government shortly after
parliament returns