Post by Robin HarrittPost by Robin HarrittPost by Robin HarrittHi All
I think I'll be doing you all a service if I raise this up again as the
racist homophobic paedophilia obsessed Mrs Patricia Basquill has reopened
her 'Forgotten Mothers' MSN group to the public once again and is using it
to advertise 'Trackers International' as an organisation able to advise and
support adoptees and natural families. Of course it can not offer those
services and has already been warned by the CSCI and Department for Children
Families and Schools not to claim that she can offer such services
So please be warned 'Trackers International' is a totally bogus organisation
and you will get little or no real support from Mrs Basquill &Co on the
'Forgotten Mothers' MSN group, unless you are of a similar frame of mind in
which case I would suggest a trip to the GP to seek a consultation with the
local psychiatric clinic
Robin Harritt
As I've been asked to remove this from elsewhere and don't much like such
It is a response to comments on re and the authenticity of the Trackers
International organisation and its management
Are we ever going to see anything of this new shock horror site of Mrs
Basquill's or is it about as genuine as her famous sextuple bypass or what
ever it was.
If you can force yourself to remember the details of something so boring,
as Mrs Patricia Basquill owner of Trackers International that's the incident
where she went from major heart attack and major surgery requiring a period
in ICU to being back at her keyboard in almost exactly a fortnight. You know
exactly the same time span as the average holiday on the Costa Whatsit. You
remember it, the absence when all her sockpuppets disappeared at the same
time. And given what I've heard elsewhere, her second major operation in
less than six months, perhaps the first was genuine but a bit less serious
than an umtuple bypass and without the dramatic value of a heart attack. An
all together quieter affair that she didn't even mention
Anyway zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.............I shouldn't be falling
back to sleep so early in the morning, she should be selling her services to
Robin Harritt (real name) (see my real address real telephone number)
(and its all been on the internet for more than ten years)
You can even see my real date of birth real original name and real
intention to do something about the things that are really wrong with
Favourite comedy act the late Derek and Clive, favourite book Ulysses by
James Joyce (Ireland's foremost writer) I've a love of language that shocks
people out of complacency and I don't hide that in real life or on the
My goal in life is the truth and exposure of the false, of the rip-off
merchants that would have your last 25 quid for a donation and then still
keep asking for more to provide a service that they can not provide
As they seem a tad shy about helping you find their site, I'll help them
out. You can find it here
Let's be clear this a site started by the managers of Trackers International
and advertised on its connected MSN group Forgotten Mothers or
Trackers International claims to be, well have a look for yourself and see
what it claims to be judge for yourself whether
or not you think the people who run are fit to run Trackers
International supposedly a voluntary sector
agency supporting people affected by adoption
If you don't believe it's connected to Trackers International then take a
look at you'll notice
from Trackers International web site that the Forgotten Mothers or
ForgottenMothers- MSN group is supposed to be the support group for Trackers
International a supposed voluntary sector not for profit agency supporting
people affected by adoption
I have the complete archives the pages on Forgotten mothers that show
clearly who the people behind purple eater are so, if they go too far they
know what'll be happening. In the meantime what Tina says, goes for me to;
"They can name me all day long I will hold my head up. It is hard enough to
get people to take our issues seriously without the members of such a high
profile group stooping to such levels." Only I'd change that to "low profile
group" after all a group with only half a dozen real members is hardly "high
I have an impeccable reputation myself for the work that I have done, I have
a perfectly clean CRB record several people on purple people eater could
hardly claim the same. As for their misapprehension that they anonymous,
they may well find otherwise
Robin Harritt real name, real address. genuine achievements
Just in case you missed my original post that upset them so bad
Trackers International / Forgotten Mothers
I was born in September 1953 and adopted in May 1956. When I was 6 my
adoptive mother became ill with breast cancer, she died about month after my
7th birthday. From the age of six and half years I was brought up almost
entirely by my adoptive father. He never remarried, as far I know he was not
gay, I know that I am not. There was not and never has been any law in
Britain to have prevented him enlisting the help of another man in my
upbringing, I would not have felt disadvantaged in anyway if he had.
From the very first day that the institution of legal adoption begun in
England and Wales on the 1st of January 1927 it has always been possible for
a single of either gender to adopt a child. Under the 1927 Act there were
restriction on a single male adopting a female child. From the time that
male homosexuality was decriminalised in 1967 there has been no law prevent
a single gay man from adopting a child and at the same time living with a
partner of the same sex. Lesbianism has never been illegal in the UK and
since the 1st January 1927 there has been no law to prevent a single woman
applying to adopt a child and living with that child and another woman.
Prior to the coming in to force of the relevant section of the Adoption and
Children Act 2002 in England and Wales on the 30th of December 2005 no two
people could adopt a child jointly unless they were a married couple. The
effect of the adoption laws prior to 30 Dec 05 was that although two people
in non a married partnership might both be filling a parental role in a
child's life only the person who was granted the Adoption Order was a parent
of the child in the eyes of the law, be it a gay couple or man and a woman
living together. If the single adoptive parent died the partner had no
legal rights to parent the child and the child could be forcible removed
from a person it regarded as its other parent. I can not think of anything
LESS "in the interest of the child".
It would be wrong in any modern civilised nation to pass a law that
permitted a non married mixed gender couple to adopt together and at the
same time have a law that forbade a same sex couple from doing so whilst
allowing one member of that partnership to adopt alone regardless of sexual
In a world where many children are not able to remain with their natural
parents for variety of reasons and people willing to give to give children
over a year of age a family are at a rarity, the changes made to the law in
England and Wales by the 2002 Act are very much in the best interest of
'looked after' children in need of a family.
So sad then is it not, to see such bigotry and ignorance rife on an internet
group on MSN and run by an organisation that claims such high moral values
for its self as Trackers International does? Add to that the evident racial
intolerance and religious bigotry on the Forgotten Mothers group.
Make up your own mind
As you will see from its website, that group is the discussion group of
Trackers International
I see that Trackers International claims that it still undertakes what it
refers to as "Mediation", "Our mediators work with you and your loved one to
ensure a successful reunion". That is what those with a descent command of
the English language refer to as Intermediary Services.
Trackers International also claims to undertake what it calls "Advocacy"
which I suspect amounts to what the Adoption and Children Act 2002 refers to
as Counselling. See
The Adoption and Children Act 2002 and Regulations that came in to force on
30 Dec 2005 strictly forbid any organisation which is not a registered
Adoption Support Agency or Adoption Society or Local Authority Social
Service from providing counselling or intermediary services in connection
with adoption.
Inevitably anyone undertaking such work will come into contact with people
whose sexual orientation, race, ethnic origin and religious beliefs are
amongst those so heavily maligned on the Forgotten Mothers MSN group run by
Trackers International
The Commission for Social Care Inspection (the CSCI) is the organisation in
England charged with policing facilities for post adoption services. See
The CSCI seems to be failing altogether in that part of its role. However if
enough of us express our concerns directly to the CSCI and back that up with
letters to our own MPs asking them to question the relevant Ministers at the
Department for Health and DfES (which overseas adoption service) as to why
Trackers International is allowed to continue to operate? Then perhaps,
something might be done.
Robin Harritt real name, real address. genuine achievements