(too old to reply)
Robin Harritt
2010-02-26 18:26:21 UTC
This week Prime Minister Gordon Brown finally made an apology on behalf of
the British Government to the those who were sent abroad as part of the
Child Migration Schemes.

You can see the apology and following debate here

Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a similar apology on
November 16th, 2009

The Catholic Church in Australia, some 10 years ago, led the apologies
from the receiving agencies, and a number of others have done likewise

So what does Mr Maritin Narey the CEO of Barnardo's have to say about
making the possibility of making an apology? Barnardo's sent many more
children abroad than any other agency and made the transportation
on behalf of other agencies.

Well Mr Martin Narey says is: "It would be glib of me as chief executive of
Barnardo's in 2010 to apologise for something that was done in large part
before I was born"

Perhaps someone could let me know when Mr Narey was born. Some organisation
were still sending children abroad until 1976 long after the official close
of the schemes, when did Barnardos stop?

Did anyone find it glib of Gordon Brown to make the apology that he has

I think it is disgusting of Narey not to apologise. What an arse covering
creep. I've had an e-mail from someone in Australia just this week asking
me if there is any other way than through Barnardo's that she could get
access to her mother's records as Barnardo's charge so much if you are not
the actual person that the records are about.

I have absolutely no doubt that records provided by Barnardo's in London
will be heavily censored as they always have been for anyone who seeks
access to records from Barnardos

A few years ago Barnardos were trying raise funds by getting us all to
celebrate what its then CEO Roger Singleton regarded as all the wonderful
things that it had done in the 100 years since Thomas Barnardo's death, not
A mention of those it sent to Canada and Australia to life of virtual child
slavery in many cases

Barnardo's refuses to apologise now for exactly the same reasons it refused
to apologise whilst Singleton was in charge. Because it's shonky lawyers
with whom I have personally had more than enough dealings advise Barnardo's
Board of Trustees that no apologies should ever be made.

I thought at one time Narey was going to make a better leader for Barnardos
than his predecessors had been, but the creep can't even admit in the way
that Singleton did that his refusal to apologise comes from the lawyers.
Barnardo's, let us face it, has a lot more to apologise for than just its
major part in the Child Migration Schemes. It was never too fussy about
whether its orphans were genuinely orphans or not in the 1950's and 60s. It
has done very little other than its very best to suppress the child abuse
that took place in its residential schools in the 1970s and 80s

The Crown Immunity Act, though no longer on the statute books protects
the government from any legal action by Child Migrants as what was done was
done when that Act was still in force. Not so Barnardo's, what a cowardly
bunch of creeps

Robin Harritt

rh at harritt dot eu

Ray Ingham
2010-02-27 04:00:18 UTC
Post by Robin Harritt
This week Prime Minister Gordon Brown finally made an apology on behalf of
the British Government to the those who were sent abroad as part of the
Child Migration Schemes.
You can see the apology and following debate here
Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd made a similar apology on
November 16th, 2009
The Catholic Church in Australia, some 10 years ago, led the apologies
from the receiving agencies, and a number of others have done likewise
So what does Mr Maritin Narey the CEO of Barnardo's have to say about
making the possibility of making an apology? Barnardo's sent many more
children abroad than any other agency and made the transportation
on behalf of other agencies.
Well Mr Martin Narey says is: "It would be glib of me as chief executive of
Barnardo's in 2010 to apologise for something that was done in large part
before I was born"
Perhaps someone could let me know when Mr Narey was born. Some
were still sending children abroad until 1976 long after the official close
of the schemes, when did Barnardos stop?
Did anyone find it glib of Gordon Brown to make the apology that he has
I think it is disgusting of Narey not to apologise. What an arse covering
creep. I've had an e-mail from someone in Australia just this week asking
me if there is any other way than through Barnardo's that she could get
access to her mother's records as Barnardo's charge so much if you are not
the actual person that the records are about.
I have absolutely no doubt that records provided by Barnardo's in London
will be heavily censored as they always have been for anyone who seeks
access to records from Barnardos
A few years ago Barnardos were trying raise funds by getting us all to
celebrate what its then CEO Roger Singleton regarded as all the wonderful
things that it had done in the 100 years since Thomas Barnardo's death, not
A mention of those it sent to Canada and Australia to life of virtual child
slavery in many cases
Barnardo's refuses to apologise now for exactly the same reasons it refused
to apologise whilst Singleton was in charge. Because it's shonky lawyers
with whom I have personally had more than enough dealings advise Barnardo's
Board of Trustees that no apologies should ever be made.
I thought at one time Narey was going to make a better leader for Barnardos
than his predecessors had been, but the creep can't even admit in the way
that Singleton did that his refusal to apologise comes from the lawyers.
Barnardo's, let us face it, has a lot more to apologise for than just its
major part in the Child Migration Schemes. It was never too fussy about
whether its orphans were genuinely orphans or not in the 1950's and 60s. It
has done very little other than its very best to suppress the child abuse
that took place in its residential schools in the 1970s and 80s
The Crown Immunity Act, though no longer on the statute books protects
the government from any legal action by Child Migrants as what was done was
done when that Act was still in force. Not so Barnardo's, what a cowardly
bunch of creeps
Robin Harritt
rh at harritt dot eu
Hi Robin,
I know a bloke in Townsville who came out as a child migrant and went to an
orphanage in Western Australia and was treated terribly.
I was surprised how much the apologies from both Rudd and Brown have meant
to him.
Robin Harritt
2010-03-01 11:01:39 UTC
Post by Ray Ingham
Hi Robin,
I know a bloke in Townsville who came out as a child migrant and went to an
orphanage in Western Australia and was treated terribly.
I was surprised how much the apologies from both Rudd and Brown have meant
to him.
Hi Ray

I think Gordon Brown's apology on behalf of the UK government was most
sincere and backed by everyone. It shows that amongst MPs understands the
and the need for a sincere apology. Not so Barnardo;s as the lead agency
sending children abroad on Child Migration Schemes in the 20th century.

Here is another post from my blog at



Why won't Martin Narey apologise for Barnardo's (Barnardos)?

Perhaps Martin Narey and Fergus Finlay CEO of Barnardos Ireland should get
together and have a chat about the importance of making proper apologies and


Martin Narey has been the Chief Executive of Barnardo's UK since 2005. He
claims to believe that it would be "glib" of him to apologise to the victims
of Dr Barnardo's Homes' part in the Child Migration Scheme, that British
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has just apologised for

See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8531664.stm

You can see the text of Martin Narey's response here:


My dictionary defines 'glib' thus:

glib : adjective ( glibber , glibbest ) (of words or the person
speaking them) fluent and voluble but insincere and shallow
ORIGIN late 16th cent. (also in the sense [smooth, unimpeded] ):
ultimately of Germanic origin; related to Dutch glibberig
Œslippery¹ and German glibberig Œslimy.¹

I'd say if anything were glib, it's Mr Narey's response.

To quote from the webpage at the link above:

"Today I have said that if there is any adult who feels they have suffered
as a result of Barnardo¹s actions and who feels we can help to put right
the damage caused, they should contact me and I will give their case my
personal attention."

I had to fight for 14 years and pay laywers many thousands of pounds to
get access to records of how I came to be in the "care" of Dr Barnardo's
Homes at its Farm Hill Essex home. Appalling badly printed photocopies
on a quality of paper little better than toilet paper. Not the full story,
I'm still left having to e-mail relatives on my father's side, out of
the blue or even go knocking on doors, to find out information that I could
get from Barnardo's, if it had any real understanding of the issues
involved. I'm afraid I just don't believe or trust Mr Narey, to me he
appears just as disingenuous as his predecessors.

I am well aware that Barnardo's and its agents read this blog. I'd be very
impressed to hear from Mr Narey, he can find my contact details at
http://harritt.eu but of course I won't hear from Mr Narey or any of his
minions, Barnardo's rather turn to its lawyers, where I or its other
critics are concerned

Someone asked me on a private forum: "When is it ever glib to say sorry
and be big enough to apologise for wrong doings?"

My answer: Well, that happens when you are trying to protect a brand and
that's what Barnardo's has become to its management, a brand, just like the
Ford Motor Company or Daz washing powder. Oh and the 'Catholic Church'
brand of religion that the Vatican is so anxious to protect.

Back at about the time I started trying to get the records of my time in Dr
Barnardo's care, I was partner in a typesetting and graphics business that
a part in producing Barnardo's Corporate Communications Manual, a
collection of full A5 folders that reached half way from the floor to the
ceiling with instructions to staff press officers and advertising agencies
on how Barnardo's should present itself. That's the kind of thing that
costs hundreds of thousands of pounds even millions in some cases.

It is clear to me that Barnardo's is far more interested in brand
protection than it is its past charges. In some respects It's a bit like a
paedophile who lavishes gifts and favours on a child , it looses all
interest in the person as an individual when they grow up. Unless of course
they happen to be the Royal dressmaker or a famous novelist who it can
exploit for publicity.

Robin Harritt



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