Scottish Adoption Consultation?
(too old to reply)
Robin Harritt
2004-06-16 08:31:32 UTC
There was a consultation process on adoption in Scotland, taking place in
2003, see


Chapter 11 Tracing and Access to Adoption Records

Is at


Does anyone know what has happened since then? Is there any draft
legislation yet? Have responses to the consultation been published?

Are Scottish adoptees and birth relatives as hideously apathetic about
changes to adoption legislation there, that will seriously affect their
rights, as most English and Welsh seem to be about the draft legislation

Robin Harritt


Ray Ingham
2004-06-16 11:28:11 UTC
Post by Robin Harritt
There was a consultation process on adoption in Scotland, taking place in
2003, see
Chapter 11 Tracing and Access to Adoption Records
Is at
Does anyone know what has happened since then? Is there any draft
legislation yet? Have responses to the consultation been published?
Are Scottish adoptees and birth relatives as hideously apathetic about
changes to adoption legislation there, that will seriously affect their
rights, as most English and Welsh seem to be about the draft legislation
Robin Harritt
Hi Y'all,
I do think everyone involved in the adoption scene should take Robin's
advice and at least read the legislation guidance for England. It is a long
laborious read but I found that you have to take the time and plod through
it. I found that it is not so much that there is any one particular clause
that I disagree with. In my humble opinion there are too many reasons and
conditions that can be used to deny people the right to find out about their
origins. I feel that I would like to write a letter to them rather than
fill out the form. If you don't worry about it now it will no doubt be ages
until you get another opportunity.

I haven't lived in England for over fifty years but I have been affected by
the English law when I was looking for my mum. I think no matter where you
live if you are affected by adoption in England, now is the time to let the
politicians know your feelings.
