2008-07-02 09:57:51 UTC
Four years on, I found the information I was looking for. Not by
parting with monies to rip off merchants such as Norcap, but through
sheer bloody mindedness which led me to a distant relative who was
researching his family tree, and he in turn provided me with details
of closer relatives and I was able to zero in on the information I
wanted. It took years however.
The person I was searching for was deliberately keeping their details
out of the public domain. They were not on the electoral role or other
records since about 1967, not to avoid me but due to a dislike of
governments. Obviously tracing someone who is hiding is quite
difficult, there's no point searching official records if the person
is deliberately masking their identity so they don't appear on them!
My case was probably unusual, and I would always advise others to try
the electoral role, marriage register and the like. You don't need to
pay anyone to search these, and many are available online for nominal
fees, but shop around. Some sites charge a lot for very little.
Finally, despite what any one tells you, every one is different, and
what worked for one person may not be right for you. Don't let the
patronising gits get you down!
The Probert Encyclopaedia
parting with monies to rip off merchants such as Norcap, but through
sheer bloody mindedness which led me to a distant relative who was
researching his family tree, and he in turn provided me with details
of closer relatives and I was able to zero in on the information I
wanted. It took years however.
The person I was searching for was deliberately keeping their details
out of the public domain. They were not on the electoral role or other
records since about 1967, not to avoid me but due to a dislike of
governments. Obviously tracing someone who is hiding is quite
difficult, there's no point searching official records if the person
is deliberately masking their identity so they don't appear on them!
My case was probably unusual, and I would always advise others to try
the electoral role, marriage register and the like. You don't need to
pay anyone to search these, and many are available online for nominal
fees, but shop around. Some sites charge a lot for very little.
Finally, despite what any one tells you, every one is different, and
what worked for one person may not be right for you. Don't let the
patronising gits get you down!
The Probert Encyclopaedia